Monday 7 January 2013

One Year Ago...

It's true what they say about time getting faster as you get older. It doesn't quite feel it but a year ago on this day, I was on the other side of the world in gloomy England nervously anticipating a letter from Cambridge University - I recall that after one of my interviews my exact words to the next interviewee when asked how it went was 'I did SHIT!' My lack of guile had surely meant the interviewers heard me, such is my class.

Furthermore, as fate would have it, the chemistry professor in that interview KNEW one of my chemistry teachers from school and told me to 'send his regards'. My entirely inappropriate response was 'Well let's hope he taught me well!'; leaving blame out of it, turns out that my chemistry knowledge was embarrassingly a bit.. shoddy after having been away from school for 6 months.

I remember receiving a heart-sinkingly weedy looking letter on January 10th; it had a very poor width! However to my surprise, I had received an unconditional offer! This was especially elating because you see, I was a re-applicant; the first year round I had received 5 rejections from UCAS for Medicine and had been forced on a gap year. This time I had received all 5 of my offers - prospective medical students - moral of the story is anything is possible; don't listen to what they say about re-applicants being disadvantaged! 

To this day, I still wonder if that chemistry professor and my old chemistry teacher were a pair of rascals up to no good in their good old days and he had sneaked me into Cambridge on some sense of nostalgic loyalty.

Anyway, a lot has changed since then.
I leave you this for your viewing pleasure!